
Officevibe, Didacte, Softstart and Talentscope are now Workleap Officevibe, LMS, Onboarding and Skills. Learn more.

Continuous performance cycles

Make ongoing performance development your north star. Equip managers with a playbook for frequent feedback and coaching, driving consistency — and success — across your organization.​

Officevibe new performance cycle management page to view and schedule events such as a self and manager Mid-Year Review.

Trusted by over 20,000 customers worldwide

Moment Factory
One Signal

Automate timely feedback & alignment

A manager who is ready for their performance review meeting with their employee.

Continuous made easy

Bridge the gap between reviews. Set a plan from the get-go to establish performance and development as an ongoing practice.

A manager preparing their roadmap for the next year

A performance roadmap

Give managers and employees the clear guidance and tools they need to bring your performance culture alive in their day-to-day.

Illustration of manager and employee shaking hands.

Better reviews

Come review time, everyone is at ease and aligned. Managers and employees are used to talking about performance thanks to their regular checkpoints.


Design your performance management cycle

Create performance cycles in sync with the flow of your business. Schedule events to support continuous alignment and feedback with our easy-to-use cycle builder.

Officevibe new performance cycle management page with cycle summary, list of events and possibility to schedule a new event.
Officevibe 1-on-1 checkpoints schedule and collaborative agenda for a performance cycle activity with the employee.


Make performance a habit that’s easy to keep

Improve performance proactively with lightweight checkpoints. Your central location to discuss and capture goal progress and give performance updates all year round.


Watch your performance culture come to life

Cycle reporting gives a real-time view of reviews & checkpoints completed. We’ll take care of the nudges and reminders to reduce admin time and increase participation.

Officevibe performance cycle report with a progress status and a list of completed and ongoing review events.
Icon of the letter "O" with a wave above it


The simplest employee experience solution that provides insights and tools to transform your organization on day 1, not in 6 months.