
Officevibe, Didacte, Softstart and Talentscope are now Workleap Officevibe, LMS, Onboarding and Skills. Learn more.


See how agile performance management gets the job done

Did you know that only 14%* of employees strongly agree that their performance reviews genuinely inspire improvement? 

It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Watch this video to see how Officevibe’s new performance tools enable a continuous process, empowering both managers and employees to drive performance, day in and day out.


Officevibe Get Performance Management Video

Schedule a personalized walkthrough with one of our Officevibe pros.

Here’s what you can expect in your private demo

Design your performance management cycle

See how to take the leap to continuous and flexible performance management at your own pace with our powerful yet simple cycle builder. 

Officevibe new performance cycle management page with cycle summary, list of events and possibility to schedule a new event.
Officevibe 1-on-1 checkpoints schedule and collaborative agenda for a performance cycle activity with the employee.

Make performance a habit that’s easy to keep (coming soon)

Learn a simple way to drive frequent performance conversations and capture regular feedback with performance checkpoints for managers and their teams. 

Data-driven performance reviews

Understand how to capture your employees’ and managers’ day-to-day actions to create a record of performance data that can be used for reviews or at any time.

Officevibe performance cycle report with a progress status and a list of completed and ongoing review events.
Employee’s performance context panel, showcasing their goals and progress, peer Good Vibes and feedback, and 1-on-1 summaries.

Watch your performance culture come to life

See your continuous performance practice take shape by tracking your performance cycles progress in real-time so you can follow what’s going on and who needs help.

Take the leap