To help you better plan the implementation or the redesign of your internal learning structure, we invested some time in defining the thought process required to clarify your needs and take action more quickly to the implementation of your future training platform online.A long-term vision clarification must be done even before the official need analysis.We have narrowed down this thought process to 8 key component for you to reflect on.Beforehand, please keep in mind that all of these 8 elements are useless if you do not build them on a very specific mindset.You must first take the conscious decision to engage yourself and take accountability for the training ressources offered to your employees.

1- Start at the top

Business leaders need to understand and engage in the digital training culture to see how this could help or hurt their business.Transitioning from your old ways to new modern ways represents a challenge in itself. Once management is behind a project, it eases the training culture change and facilitates acceptance from your workforce.

2- Find a digital evangelist

Determine who, within your organization, is passionate about technology. Engage them in your project. Assign them leadership roles based on their interests and expertise. Such opportunity will bring to light loyal and engaged employees whose collective brain will prove to become a valuable ressource for establishing the blueprint of your project.Their individual relationships and connections will also be strategic levers to work with and uncover weak points within your organizations. Those weaknesses are all topics for potential training and improvement procedures.

3- Evaluate your internal mobility potential

As the demand for cross-functional teams continues to grow, the mobility of each resource will only escalate.Evaluate the mobility potential between your departments and develop relevant programs to facilitate quick and actionnable crash courses.Highlight common skills among your teams, build on them to structure including specific development tasks and professional development programs.

4- Review the organization's work architecture

Make sure it's as simple and streamlined as possible to support new and upcoming career models.Your architecture should be able to accept new roles that are currently inexistent at the moment, without always needing to strip other roles of their current responsibilities.

5- Build an internal hiring culture

It is important to hold managers accountable for training and to support internal candidates in their new roles. The goal is to retain your employees within the company by awarding new mandates. Your business should provide not only career opportunities, but training program to help engaged employees get to these opportunities.

6- Follow the learning steps

Whoever speaks of emerging technologies speaks of new development opportunities, so more metrics to analyse. Whether it's the number of hours devoted on your learning platforms per employee, the number of self-taught training or popular themes of subjects, proactive companies collect and use this data to better predict the evolution of their training needs.

7- Rearrange the training team

Dare to review the entire current training infrastructure.For most growing companies, this means moving from an internal and homemade system to a dedicated LMS, which may involve the replacement of some internal technologies and procedures.We must allow ourselves to see the long-term gains rather than focus on the short-term migration workload.

8 - Manage and develop your employer's brand

Many surveys on employee recognition and job satisfaction tools take into account the issue of limited professional opportunities within companies.Your potential candidates can therefore pre-evaluate these ratings and even avoid applying in organizations that do not systematically offer development opportunities.

To sum things up

It is easy to predict how human resources departments will be reshaped in the coming years.The challenges are ever changing and companies success, which for a very long time has been based on the overall strength of the workforce as a unit, is now slowly taking a turn towards a more individual development culture.This culture is now focused on the employee as a person, not just a work ressource, where the employer becomes partly responsible for his/her professional evolution.