As a manager, your influence extends far beyond traditional boundaries. You're not just directing work and making key decisions – you're also a driving force for helping your team learn and grow. In this article, we delve into the concept of budgeting time for both learning and teaching and how it can empower managers to optimize employee workloads, nurture growth, and elevate team performance.

Understanding the Dual Role of Manager: Facilitators of Learning 

Part of being a leader means you are a facilitator of growth. They have the responsibility of supporting and optimizing the skill development of their teams. Embracing this means realizing that employee learning isn't just another task; it's a vital part of fueling creativity and motivating employees.

Workleap LMS empowers managers with its Learning Management System, allowing you to monitor and parameterize your team’s progress to optimize learning paths under one roof!

Allocating Time for Learning

Time is your most precious investment and the currency that shapes success. Just as financial budgets allocate resources, budgeting time allots dedicated periods for learning.

When you plan time for learning moments, you’re helping your team set aside specific parts of their days to build their skills and confidence. This way of using your time doesn't just make you and your team sharper, it also makes your team stronger and ready to face new challenges. So, think of it like this: by planning your time well for learning and teaching, you're opening the door to a whole new way of making your team awesome. It’s a guaranteed ROI.

Skill and engagement boost: Almost everyone (92% of employees) said that well-planned employee training programs affect their level of engagement for the better!

Microlearning: Bite-Sized Wisdom

Time-crunched? Think of microlearning as your snackable knowledge boost. Microlearning lets employees consume bite-sized wisdom at a time that’s convenient for them.

Here are a few examples of micro-sized learning: 

  • Quick Videos: Watch a 5-minute video explaining a specific concept or skill.
  • Mini Quizzes: Take a short quiz to test your understanding of a recent topic.
  • Infographics: Glance through an infographic to quickly grasp key information.
  • Short Readings: Read a brief article or blog post that explains a single idea.
  • How-To Guides: Follow a step-by-step guide to learn a new skill in just a few minutes.

Remember, these micro-sized learning moments might be small, but they add up over time, helping you build your knowledge and skills without taking up too much of your day. 

Whether it's a tutorial during a coffee break or a swift quiz before lunch, these little nuggets of learning can have a big impact on productivity and engagement.

Collaborative Learning: Team Intelligence

Tap into your team's collective brainpower through collaborative learning circles. These moments are like mini get-togethers where team members share ideas and chat about things they've learned to do even better in their work 

Examples of collaborative learning:

  • Weekly team wrap up: A regular meeting to debrief on the week, and where team members can update each other on their challenges and achievements to prompt ideas and discussion.
  • Learning lunch: An informal moment where employees take turns each week to share their knowledge about something they think their colleagues might benefit from — this could be directly related to their role or complementary, like sharing their personal time management tricks.
  • Professional clinic: An open-door hour every week where colleagues can pop in to share an issue or blocker they are having, and attendees can share ideas on how to help them.

Neglecting Learning: A Risk to Growth

Failing to prioritize learning isn't just a missed opportunity – it can lead to a standstill for individuals and the entire organization. When learning takes a back seat, employees might find themselves stuck in outdated routines, limiting their personal and professional growth. This stagnation can ripple through the organization, affecting innovation, adaptability, and overall progress.

By not investing in continuous learning, both employees and the company risk falling behind in a rapidly changing world. So, making learning a priority isn't just a nice-to-have — it's a crucial step towards keeping everyone on a path of growth and success.

Learning to reduce turnover: 40% of employees who do not receive the necessary job training to become effective will leave their positions within the first year. But there’s good news: research shows that retention rises by 30-50% for companies who nurture a strong learning culture.

The Impact of Teaching: Strengthening Understanding

When you step into the role of a teacher, you're doing more than just explaining things – you're helping your team really grasp and absorb what they're learning.

By setting aside specific times for teaching, you're making sure to be available for your team and to not lose focus on the importance of learning. Dedicated time ensures you have the presence to guide them through important topics, answer their questions, and help them truly grasp the material. As a result, their skills and confidence will sky rocket, leading to increased engagement and better performance overall.

Raising up the entire organization one employee at a time: 9 out of 10 managers agree that training has a big impact on how productive and loyal employees are. 85% also think it's a key driver of the whole organization's growth.

Remember, when you step up and become a teacher for your team, you're not just helping them learn – you're helping them succeed, stick around and make the whole company better all around.

Turning The Tables: Peer Workshops

Encourage team members to take turns being both learners and teachers by organizing workshops for their colleagues. This two-way teaching and learning enriches the whole team's expertise.

Putting Learning into Action: Coaching Moments

Add a practical twist to your routine meetings by highlighting how your team has used their new skills in real-life situations. Imagine setting aside time for showing how things have been applied, helping everyone grow and stay accountable.

Introducing "Course Author" – Get Your Experts Involved in Creating Courses!

Course Author is a way to team up with your in-house experts to create awesome courses. This feature helps you delegate and share the load of making course content. This takes the pressure off HR and lets employees show off what they know best. Plus, when your team shares their expertise, the courses become even more relevant and impactful.

The bonus? It's a chance for your coworkers to shine, get recognized, and maybe even move up in their careers. So, Course Authors is your tool for creating powerful learning paths that are all about teamwork, sharing, and helping each other grow.

The integration of learning and teaching reshapes the employee experience. Budgeting time for both enhances team synergy, boosts morale, and nurtures a culture of continuous improvement.

As you dig into the multifaceted role of what being a manager is all about, a Learning Management System like Workleap LMS is here to help.

Request for a free demo today and start a journey that transforms how your team learns and teaches, creating a group of employees ready to succeed in an ever changing world!