It’s our mandate to help you become the best leader you can be, so you can have engaged and high performing teams.

Keeping everyone aligned, setting clear goals, dealing with conflict, and helping your employees grow and develop are just some of many responsibilities you’ve been tasked with as a manager. We know that it’s no walk in the park, but seeing your team hit those goals and surpass even their own expectations makes it worth it, doesn’t it?

In this post, we go straight to the source and chat with a seasoned manager to learn about the real—and very human—experience of having one of the most challenging jobs around. Sharing stories and experiences (good and bad) is the best way to learn and to remember that you are not alone in this journey.

Stephanie LeBlanc, one of Officevibe’s very own, shares her best management tips and most vulnerable sentiments about her role:

Stephanie LeBlanc

Director of Customer Experience, Officevibe
Years in Management: 7
Number of employees: 17
Currently reading:
Radical Candor by Kim Scott
Unwavering hustle and optimism

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Interview with Stephanie LeBlanc by Officevibe


What’s one thing that no one tells you about being a manager?


There are often misconceptions that management is a glamourous gig, and it’s everything but that!


What would you say is the most difficult part of your job?


Aligning a group and maintaining momentum to achieve goals is consistently one of the most challenging aspects of management.


And the most rewarding part of the job?


Surpassing wildly ambitious objectives and overcoming challenges as a team, and then celebrating together!


Can you share a piece of advice for new managers?


Find the balance between trusting your own instincts and seeking out diverse perspectives. Don’t think you can do it all on your own. Survey tools like Officevibe can really help compliment your managerial instincts by collecting human insights from your team that you wouldn’t otherwise get.


How do you avoid (the dreaded) micromanagement?


Trust your team by default.

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And how do you build this trust between you and your team?


Be present, listen actively, get to know your people and share constructive feedback in real time. Absolutely don’t wait for annual reviews!


When it comes to feedback, what’s the biggest no-no?


Don’t make assumptions! Seek to understand before anything.


Has being a mother had an impact on the way you manage?


Yes! Learning to find the balance between being a present mom and having a fulfilling career has made me a better manager all around. I’ve learned to prioritize, be firm and laser focused with difficult decision making, and communicate directly, yet with patience and empathy.


What do you think organizations can do more of to support their managers?


Give them room to take risks with their teams, be creative, breed a safe space for exchange between other managers, and provide support and coaching as needed.


How do you manage disengaged or underperforming employees?


Get to know your employees deeply and understand what keeps them engaged. What are their passions? What do they value in life? Then hold each other accountable to this.


What’s the best piece of management advice you’ve ever received?


Listen and communicate with intention and empathy. It’s the gateway to success.


What does a “people-first” culture mean to you?


At the core of every great achievement is a group of people that made it happen. Invest thoughtfully in your people and they will thrive!

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💙 Connect with Stephanie on Linkedin and learn more about how she uses Officevibe to build trust on her team.