Peer feedback loops are gaining more and more attention from savvy business leaders—and no wonder. Because in recent times, we’ve seen a radical shift in the way people work.

Not so long ago, working in an office-based team environment was a given for most white-collar roles. Now many people spend much less time in the office or may even work remotely full-time.

There are many advantages to this new approach to work, but managers need to be aware of the downsides, too. Employees may feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues with less human interaction.

Communication becomes transactional rather than interpersonal. As a result, the all-important team spirit may suffer without a means to provide feedback.

This is a growing challenge for organizations of every size.

According to Officevibe’s employee feedback data, over a third of employees feel they don’t receive enough recognition for their efforts. They say their achievements go unnoticed, with feedback focusing mainly on the negative aspects of their work.

Fortunately, there is a solution. Implementing a peer feedback loop is a proven and effective way to address this problem. A peer feedback loop helps rebuild the community spirit and allows employees to share with their colleagues.

Creating constructive peer feedback loops in your teams