Here, we’re in the business of building simple software solutions that help companies work better, from anywhere. That's precisely why we go the extra mile to help our customers (and prospective customers, too) from A to Z, as best we can. Easy to say, but challenging nonetheless. Thankfully, we're able to count on a dream team of dedicated individuals who believe strongly in the potential of our products. Meet them

Products ready to be experienced

" I’ve been working at Workleap for going on seven years now, which makes me the veteran on the sales team. Let's just say we've grown significantly since I started in 2015.

In a company like ours that builds software, the sales team is a point of contact for customers. We’re here for them when issues arise, or when they feel like running ideas by us. Essentially, our job is to offer our customers a human experience and to walk alongside them toward their goals.

We’re like Sherpas in the sense that we work hand in hand with our customers to help them overcome obstacles and ultimately reach the peak. We pride ourselves on passionately understanding our products to the core; for us, it's about so much more than simply fulfilling sales targets. We're definitely not your stereotypical salespeople who push solutions without fully understanding the need for them.

Plus, we’re just so proud to be building products like ours, that we want our customers to experience everything they have to offer. They don't necessarily have to go through the sales team, either. But we're here if they need us. And I think that's what sets us apart.

"We pride ourselves on passionately understanding our products to the core; for us, it's about so much more than simply fulfilling sales targets."

Michael Noiseux, Business Development Director, Workleap

The Workleap touch?

  • We have wonderful mentors and anyone can become one.
  • We have the challenges of a startup and the budget of a large company.
  • We encourage growth, so opportunities are endless.

So far in 2022, we've created roles that didn't exist before. And that means we have more people in our teams with real potential to grow and progress. This year, our goal is to give 100% of our staff additional responsibilities."

" I’ve been working at Workleap for five years. We’re lucky to work with people who are always so keen to learn and grow, and since one of Workleap's core values is to precisely "take the leap," we can afford to be bold in our roles! We built a very solid foundation in 2021, so this year, we have extra wiggle room for more ambitious objectives, and those will likely take us out of our comfort zone and open up a lot of opportunities."

“We’re lucky to work with people who are always so keen to learn and grow."

Charles Fortin-Larose, Account Management Director, Workleap

An ever-growing team

" I’ve been working at Workleap for almost three years now, the last one of which as a manager. I have always been one to believe that good leadership is built on the potential to help others. I see it as a springboard to support my team and help them to grow within the company, both professionally and personally. Support them in their current roles, help them find a new path, or simply encourage them to follow their ambitions, these would be my top priorities as a manager.

Right now we’re 11 on the team: six Sales Development Representatives (SDR) and five Account Executives (AE). Things move quickly at Workleap and we’re currently looking to recruit additional individuals to round out the team.

“Support them in their current roles, help them find a new path, or simply encourage them to follow their ambitions, these would be my top priorities as a manager."

Stu Reider, Sales Manager, Workleap

I meet my team weekly and on top of that, I conduct regular, informal check-ins with each team member. It’s my way of taking stock of the points they want to work on, whether they be professional skills or soft skills. As I always say to the team, I will never stand in the way of growth and development. Whatever form it takes.

I also meet with each SDR and AE twice a month to go over results, and I'm regularly in touch with them which helps me identify growth opportunities and/or areas requiring improvement. If someone wants to work on the way they make calls or write emails, or perhaps learn to better manage their time or boost their organizational skills, we will focus on that.

The members of the sales team are happy with the work-life balance they have. Last year, each member of the team either got a promotion or took on more responsibility. For me, that’s a 10/10 and we can be proud of that. 

What kinds of profiles do we look for in sales?

To be honest, ALL profiles. We’re not really interested in recruiting the same profiles all the time. But we are open to seeing things differently and continuing to grow. By hiring people who come from different backgrounds, we know that we can learn from them, and vice-versa.

For example, the last person I recruited for a sales rep position had just received a degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology. She didn’t have sales experience per se, but that didn’t make her any less interesting to us. At the end of the day, all skills can be transferred with proper coaching. You don’t need to have previously sold software to work at Workleap, and several people on the team are proof of that. 

As a manager in a company like Workleap, I have the freedom to spend time with my wife and daughter, as I work from home and have a very flexible schedule. I’m not going to lie – our objectives are ambitious and my days are often quite intense, but no one’s ever going to expect me to work until midnight or to sacrifice my personal life for the sake of an extra sale. I’m extremely proud to be a part of Workleap."

Stronger together

" I joined Workleap in October 2020 after finishing my masters. By the end of my internship, I was working 100% as an account coordinator, but my coworker Mathilde and I really wanted to become Sales Development Representatives (SDR). We were so excited. We had no sales experience, but Workleap let us get our foot in the door and try the role on for size to see if we'd like it. We trained for six months, and they placed so much trust in us and it all went so smoothly from the very beginning.

Taking part in the SDR School program helped us loads. It's a 15-week course centered on a different theme every week. It was kind of fun to break up our day to day, and go back to school for an hour or two a week. We were able to learn tons from the different sales reps from around the world, with more experience than us. We were proud to share our learnings with the team after the course.

“We had no sales experience, but Workleap let us get our foot in the door and try the role on for size to see if we'd like it."

Sandrine Lessard, Sales Development Representative, Workleap

Once settled into our sales roles, we got to coach the new recruits who were taking over our old jobs, all while being mentored by our sales rep coworkers. It’s so gratifying to learn from one another. It’s like a knowledge merry-go-round.

It’s crazy to think that after two years at Workleap, I’m one of the more seasoned SDR on the team. Time flies, but at the same time, it’s super neat to have a growth trajectory in plain sight. You don’t have time to get bored and your managers really do care.

My experience at work in 3 words?

  • Flexible
  • Amiable, like working with the best crew
  • Mutual help Iike I’ve never seen before. In sales, it’s so easy to get caught up in competition mode, like who will get the best numbers first. In our team, helping others comes naturally to us. "

Tools to work better

" I joined Workleap in October 2018. At the time, I had a fairly generic role as a sales specialist and today, I’m a senior account manager. With greater objectives come greater responsibilities!

I truly feel that Workleap does everything in its power to set the sales team up for success: from exciting startup-like challenges to the best Stack tools a salesperson could ask for.

On the team, we use traditional sales tools like a CRM, a BI service for billing and of course our trusty Outlook, among other tools for continuous improvement. With Gong, for example, we can record all our calls, and go back to them to optimize our conversations with customers and our approach to closing. Yes the feedback is important, but what really makes a difference is people's desire to keep getting better and to be open to reviewing their work. You don't see that every day.

"Sales at Workleap is about so much more than phone calls and numbers."

Raphael Bellemare, Senior Account Manager, Workleap

What makes me want to get up in the morning? The same thing that made me want to apply to the company four years ago: the people who work here and the relationships we have with our managers. If you're looking for a challenge and are wanting to build something special, I couldn't think of a better place to work. Sales at Workleap is about so much more than phone calls and numbers. "