We ask a remote-working mother of three for her best tips

As we all traverse these strange times, it’s important to keep in mind that we’re not just ‘working from home’, we’re trying to get work done from home during a crisis. And, some of us are doing that while parenting. As we invite coworkers into our living rooms and bring babies into our meetings, we need to consider how this topsy turvy colliding of realities affects everyone differently.

A few weeks after becoming a remote organization, our company checked in on how we’re doing with a live survey to fill out at a virtual Town Hall meeting. We were asked to share how we were feeling using 1-2 words. One anonymous respondent wrote something that made us all chuckle as it popped up on the screen, but it was quickly understood that behind the mask of humour was a very real and likely difficult situation.

This person had written: “Sell Kids”.

Being a full-time working parent can be an adventure in and of itself. Put working and parenting (and maybe even teaching) together simultaneously under the same roof and you have some sort of Olympic juggling act. We do see some positive insights in our data from parents who express gratitude toward being able to spend more time with their family. However, the feedback is typically followed by a “but…” wherein we see a long list of concerns.

In this last of our remote work interview series, we talk to Julie Jeannotte, a parent of three youngins and an employee engagement expert here at Officevibe. She’ll share her story, how her family has managed, as well as tips for teams and organizations. Then, we surface the trends from our employee feedback database to shed light on parents’ top concerns, needs, and sentiments. Spoiler alert: robot babysitters are in demand.

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